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Our Friends


We're now using a new facebook button

We have added a new facebook button to the site.  Before, we had a "Like" button, but we've changed it to a "Share" button.  The only difference is that this will now popup a dialog box asking you to share the article with your friends. 

For those that are facebook scrubs (like myself), I thought I'd include some instructions on how to use the new button.  There are only two steps:

  1. Click on the like button
  2. Click on the share button in the popup

Click to read more ...


An update on the iTunes situation

We have submitted our podcast to iTunes and are now waiting for the iTunes staff to get back to us.  I'm not really sure how long this part of the process takes, but I'm hoping it won't be long.

If you really can't wait, you can get the podcast now.  Open iTunes and select "Subscribe to Podcast..." in the "Advanced" menu.

Enter this URL for the podcast feed:


The "Tweet" buttons were slowing us down. The site loads faster now.

Each "Tweet" button was taking at least 2 seconds to load.  Since our news page has 10 of them, this was adding 20 seconds to our load time.  I've since fixed the problem.  You should notice that our site loads considerably faster now.  Let me know if you still experience problems.


"Tournaments" Tab Added

We added a tournaments tab to the top of the site. This is where you can find information on all upcoming major fighting game tournaments.

Is there a tournament we missed? Let us know via