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Entries in jimmyjtran (2)


NorthWest Majors 6 | US Fighting Game Tournament in Seattle, WA on May 3 - 4

NWM 6 is Seattle’s next big fighting game tournament and has somehow managed to get Jimmy and Bronson to travel for it. They’re not the only out of state competitors coming though, Just Frame James and Inkognito are also coming to the event as detailed and introduced on the tournament’s website. More details and registration on the event can be found on the website and I’m assuming that the tournament is going to be streamed on TeamKhaos’ Twitch channel.


TTT2 - 9/7 Jimmy VS Bronson Norcal Casuals

Oh hey, some Tekken content from Norcal. If you're an Ancient Ogre or Alex fan you're in for a treat, a treat that spans over an hour and forty minutes from the NorcalSS YouTube Channel. You can watch all the footage below.

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